Monday, February 16, 2009



Okay, I figured he would be, but it was so rad to see him AND to see a young Rousseau.

So I should probably update this closer to the air date instead of waiting almost two weeks, because they're answering a lot of questions pretty quickly this season (as well as proposing a hell of a lot of others).

Okay - back to the beginning of the episode. Charlotte isn't dead yet. But! They keep showing my favorite "Previously on Lost" segment ever. RAPTOR ARMS!!! (at the very end of the clip)

I swear, they've shown that so many times. Funny every time. So she's not dead yet, but there is definitely some sort of relationship between her and Daniel that's family-esque. "I'm fine, you don't have to baby me..." way to clue us in Charlotte. We already knew that.

The flashes are getting crazy and fast. Locke sees the light from the hatch, and Sawyer's heart breaks when he sees Kate. Daniel asks "John, do you know when we are?" and I really wanted John to say "We're at the end of season one..." - That of course would put a whole new twist on the show and wouldn't make any sense. But whatever, a girl can dream.

Then Miles gets a nosebleed, and Daniel explains that it has something to do with duration of time on the island. This of course is starting to finalize the theory that Miles is in fact Marvin Candle's son. Then Juliet gets a nosebleed, which makes sense seeing as how she was there before everyone else. What I'm super worried about is that Charlotte's going down hill fast. Are Miles and Juliet going to take the same path? We know that they're time tripping for a long time before the O6 gets back - ahhh.

Who was in the canoes? Drinking the water from Ajira Airlines? I have no idea. That'll come up later I'm sure. Alls I know is they've got guns.

I was sure that it was Sun trying to take Aaron away. I didn't really know why, but I assumed it had something to do with getting the authorities involved in order to try to find Ben. And then there was an "Oh fuck" when Claire's mom was there - but then she didn't know anything? And I was like "It IS Sun!" and then Kate confronted Ben and I was like "No! It's Sun! She's in the car with a gun!" and then Ben's awesome "It was me - sorry!" Then I was like "Oh..." and was a little disappointed.

The questions that remain - who was that dude that tried to shoot Sayid? Is he just one of Widmore's dudes? Is Widmore that clueless that Ben's trying to bring everyone back? It seems to me that he'd have figured it out after Desmond fuckin' barged into his office like that.

And then the question that everyone's asking, did Rousseau recognize Jin in previous seasons? I say, no, and that "no" is a perfectly legitimate response. Desmond didn't remember Faraday knocking on the hatch door until Faraday went back and did it. It was a spontaneous memory. I'm sure, had those bastards not shot Rousseau and Carl last season, that Rousseau would have spontaneously remembered meeting Jin.

Anyway - this is a little cheesy, but someone compiles these things every episode.

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